Comment LC-1105

Comment 78:

(Issue ID: LC-1105)

Benefits: The benefits section does not describe this SC

Proposed Change:

Rewrite the Benefits section

Response from Working Group:

Thank your for bringing this to our attention. We have changed SC
2.4.2(formerly 2.4.3) to "Web page have descriptive titles" and have also
reflected this change in success criterion 2.4.6 (formerly 2.4.5) and
support documents for both success criteria. The SC 2.4.2 Benefits section
now reads:
- This criterion benefits all users in allowing users to quickly and easily
identify whether the information contained in the Web page is relevant to
their needs.
- People with visual disabilities will benefit from being able to
differentiate content when multiple Web pages are open.
- People with cognitive disabilities, limited short-term memory and reading
disabilities also benefit from the ability to identify content by its title.
- This criterion also benefits people with severe mobility impairments whose
mode of operation relies on audio when navigating between Web units.
Response from GSW:
Thank you for addressing my comment

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 14:03:55 UTC