Comment LC-1113

Comment 86:

(Issue ID: LC-1113)

Small sites: What if a site is only three pages - is it still required to
provide a breadcrumb trail etc?

Proposed Change:

Clarify SC

Response from Working Group:

Even for a small site, understanding your location within the site may be
desirable. However, there are sites for which this success criterion would
not make sense, which is why it is at Level AAA.

This success criterion does not intend to suggest that breadcrumbs are
required of all web sites. Breadcrumbs are merely one option for meeting
this success criterion.  It might be more appropriate to use one of the
other listed techniques. There may also be techniques that are appropriate
for orienting a user on a small web site that would not be appropriate on a
large web site, such as providing links to the home page.
Response from GSW:
I am happy for this comment to be closed

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 13:52:54 UTC