Comment LC-1128

Comment 101:

(Issue ID: LC-1128)

A change in content is not always a change in context.: I would argue that a
change in content is always a change in context. How do screen readers or
magnifiers deal with expanding menus etc?

Proposed Change:

Clarify or rewrite SC

Response from Working Group:

A change in content that occurs because the user has requested a different
view of the current content is not considered a change of context. However,
it is necessary for assistive technology to be informed of the change. SC
4.1.2 has been changed to include state and properties among the information
that must be programmatically determined and for which notifications of
changes must be available to assistive technology.

4.1.2 Name-Role-Value: For all user interface components, the name and role
can be programmatically determined, states, properties, and values that can
be set by the user can be programmatically determined and programmatically
set, and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents,
including assistive technologies.
Response from GSW:
I am happy to close this comment

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 13:32:40 UTC