- From: John M Slatin <john_slatin@austin.utexas.edu>
- Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 13:14:45 -0500
- To: "Judy Brewer" <jbrewer@w3.org>, <public-comments-wcag20@w3.org>
Thanks, Judy. Just a quick note now-- more detailed responses to come. Earlier this week I sent a complete new draft of the Introduction to the WCAG editors for review and comment. I had our conversation in mind as I wrote, along with issues raised in public-comments and logged in Bugzilla. The Working Group hasn't yet seen this draft-- the editors will take a pass at it and once we're in agreement it will go to the list. Some sections of that draft are up for discussion in the next two weeks, especially the secton on Conformance and the note about baseline. The results of those discussions will be integrated into the draft Introduction, and at that time I'll review the draft Introduction against these comments and the Bugzilla issues so I can give specific recommendations as to issues I think we can close and those that may remain open (I hope there won't be any of those!). John "Good design is accessible design." John Slatin, Ph.D. Director, Accessibility Institute University of Texas at Austin FAC 248C 1 University Station G9600 Austin, TX 78712 ph 512-495-4288, f 512-495-4524 email jslatin@mail.utexas.edu web http://www.utexas.edu/research/accessibility/ -----Original Message----- From: Judy Brewer [mailto:jbrewer@w3.org] Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 12:46 pm To: John M Slatin; public-comments-wcag20@w3.org Subject: EOWG comments on WCAG 2.0 WD, as discussed w/ John Slatin, 2 June 2005 Dear John & WCAG Editors, Following is a list of EOWG comments on WCAG 2.0 draft documents, somewhat re-organized from EOWG's last available draft of these last fall [1] according to discussion between John and myself last week. My concern that many of these might have been mooted by time & intervening drafts does not seem to have held out, as they still seem largely relevant to the current draft and current editing work. Almost all relate to introductory material, explanatory material, and/or format, rather than to normative items. The comments were originally drafted based on the 30 July 2004 working draft of WCAG 2.0 [2], and included discussion from EOWG meetings on 27 August, 3 September, and 10 September, however EOWG never developed a final summary of the comments at that time. My apologies for the delay in forwarding these. I have organized them into the following sections, and within each section marked their status as I understood it from our conversation. - Overall - Introduction - Body - Appendices - Techniques OVERALL 1. [IMPORTANT] It is difficult to follow the transition directly from the guidelines to the success criteria. It would be helpful to have an explanation of the guideline available immediately following the text of the guideline, especially for people new to Web accessibility. Or, alternatively, each guideline should include a brief introduction to the guideline. Perhaps these explanations could be handled by having different views of the guidelines available. 2. Be careful about the use of jargon. Either introduce the terms when first used, or provide a clear link to an explanation in the glossary. For instance, terms which may need introductions but for which it appears that no explanation was available, or was not available where it would have been most helpful, include: user agent, success criteria, full range of disabilities, multimedia, operable, spatial pattern threshhold. With regard to "spatial pattern threshhold," it would be helpful to separate out the definition, perhaps by a box, from the individual success criteria. 3. For glossary terms, avoid using the same term as part of the definition of a term, or at least don't bold-face the term when re-using it. 4. Note that the definition of "programmatically located" re-uses the term "programmatically located" but without ever explaining what "programmatically" means. (Also, the editorial note about programatically located should be moved into the glossary.) The same thing occurs within the definition of "real-time events," which re-uses both parts of the compound term when defining it. 5. The blue boxes help differentiate content within the document. However, the intensity of the blue is distracting for some people, and for others makes the text unreadable because of insufficient contrast. For visual formatting, try other ways of differentiation, such as indentation of the content in those sections. 6. [RECONSIDER, GIVEN CHANGES IN NAVIGATION] Add more links to facilitate jumping back and forth between related sections within the document. INTRODUCTION 7. Rename the section entitled "How to read this document" to "How to read this set of documents." 8. [EOWG DID NOT GUESS RIGHT, AND WCAG WG HAS ALREADY TRIED MANY ALTERNATIVES.] The term "authored unit" was unfamiliar and confusing to EOWG participants, even after reading the definition. EOWG discussed some possible other terms and could not come up with a better alternative at this time. EOWG assumes that WCAG WG is trying to get to the concept of "a collection of Web content identified by a URI" or some such. Note that for a least one person, the term "unit" was interpreted as an organization, not a Web resource. We also found potential problems with the use of the terms "material," "set of material," "author," and "URI" in this section. EOWG believes that it's WCAG WG's intent that a conformance claim could be made about a single resource, such as a style sheet, image, or audio file, but if so, EOWG feels that this needs more explanation of how and why, and perhaps a brief example. Also EOWG noted that the definition imported from device independence seems to exclude textual content. 9. The term and concept of conformance would benefit from an introduction or explanation. (For instance, when first talking abt conformance, say something simple about it first, such as "the extent to which a web page satisfies the requirements in these guidelines.) 10. For conformance, use the term "levels" rather than A, AA, AAA. 11. The structure of the conformance model is clearer. However, the description of the conformance levels needs to be stated much more clearly, including what is meant by "Can be reasonably be applied to all Web resources." Some EOWG participants were not sure what this meant, and others were concerned and disagreed with what they thought it meant. Does it refer to incorporation of the concept of feasibility into the conformance level, or to the effort made in implementing the accessibility feature, or something else? EOWG participants felt that unclarity on this point would confuse the issue of how to make conformance claims. 12. [IN PROGRESS, COORDINATE W/ SHAWN] Better indicate and explain the navigation between the different documents (guidelines, gateway, techniques) including the eventual linking to, partial repetition of, and integrating of material from the introduction to WCAG 2.0. EOWG realizes that WCAG WG is working on changes in this area. 13. [PROBABLY DONE, BUT CHECK] When explaning how to read this document, describe what the terms "informative" and "normative" signify within the format of the guidelines, and link them to glossary definitions. 14. [PROBABLY DONE, BUT CHECK] In the section entitled "how to read the document," nest the sequence of items in the top layer overview to better match the structure of the document. BODY 15. It would be helpful to make a clearer transition from the introductory material into the guidelines themselves, for instance via a header which would more clearly indicate "You are now in the actual guidelines," or some such. 16. Change or clarify the "invisible"/"visible" distinction. However, if the WCAG Working Group does not keep this lable as part of the format, it still would be good to retain the information somehow, such as by integrating it into the text. 17. Some descriptive content currently embedded in the editorial notes should be retained -- in some cases they are better than existing definitions. [Sorry, we did not document examples from EOWG discussion.] APPENDICES 18. The content of appendix C, relating to WCAG 1.0 to 2.0 transition, might be better as part of another document. However in any case it should be much more clearly and strongly linked to from the beginning of the WCAG 2.0 document. Note that having this content in a separate document from WCAG 2.0 would allow easier updating. It seems more important to highlight how WCAG 1.0 and 2.0 are different, including the mapping of the actual technical differences between the specifications, and much less of the history of how WCAG 2.0 evolved. TECHNIQUES 19. [PROBABLY DONE, BUT CHECK] The visual formatting in the online version is difficult to follow. For instance, there are many layers of indenting, and at least four different styles of text boxes, some of which have poor color contrast. 20. [PROBABLY DONE, BUT CHECK] The formatting in the printed version is difficult to follow because of an extremely small font size; check for style sheet bugs. 21. Explain terms when first using them. Be careful about the sequence of when a term is first used and when it is defined. 22. [DISCUSSED BUT NOT YET SETTLED] Consider whether the techniques documents should have their own glossaries -- or better yet -- consider making the glossary a sortable database module within the set of guidelines & techniques documents, rather than explicitly part of the guidelines document, and then enabling glossary subsets that would be relevant to each of the documents in the set. This might be accomplished by integrating the WCAG glossary into the evolving W3C-wide glossary. 23. [MAY NOT BE A BETTER ALTERNATIVE] Use words rather than code (e.g. "2.4 L2 SC1") for link text in the techniques documents. 24. [WCAG DISCUSS WITH SHAWN] Make the formats of the gateway & techniques documents more consistent and simple. Footnotes: [1] Last draft of EOWG comments http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2004JulSep/0198 [2] July 30 working draft http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-WCAG20-20040730/ -- Judy Brewer +1.617.258.9741 http://www.w3.org/WAI Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) MIT/CSAIL Building 32-G530 32 Vassar Street Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA
Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 18:14:53 UTC