Notation of Criteria as invisible and visible

I am working through the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines and I am unsure why criteria
have been given a notation of invisible and visible (refer to Editorial Note
in section on Conformance). Can someone advise me as to the issue to which
this relates?

I assume that this notation is not intended to remain in WCAG 2.0, but is
just for discussion - please advise?


Brian hardy

Brian Hardy
National Manager Market Development
Accessible Information Solutions
National Information and Library Service (NILS)
Phone: (03) 9864 9525   Mobile: 0419 102 451
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454 Glenferrie Road Kooyong Victoria 3144 AUSTRALIA
Postal: PO Box 860 Hawthorn Victoria 3122 AUSTRALIA
NSW Office: 4 Mitchell Street Enfield NSW 2136
NILS is a wholly owned subsidiary of RBS.RVIB.VAF Ltd.
(incorporating the former businesses of Royal Blind Society of NSW, Royal
Victorian Institute for the Blind and Vision Australia Foundation)

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Received on Wednesday, 13 July 2005 08:22:28 UTC