Re: Request for Review: 23 November 2005 Working Draft of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0

Please find enclosed a list of annotations to the wcag20 draft.  They are
marked with a yellow background and they start with "GB:".
Unfortunately I  did not have the time to go through all the guidelines,
criteria and suggestions at the same depth, but I hope the comments are
useful anyhow.
Feel free to contact me for further clarifications.
Best regards,

        Giorgio Brajnik
Dip. di Matematica e Informatica   | voice: +39 (0432) 55.8445
Università di Udine                | fax:   +39 (0432) 55.8499
Via delle Scienze, 206             | email:
Loc. Rizzi -- 33100 Udine -- ITALY |
On 12/7/05, Wendy Chisholm <> wrote:
> Hello,
> A new Working Draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG
> 2.0) as well as two supporting documents were published 23 November 2005.
> The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) invites
> you to comment on these documents. W3C Working Drafts provide
> opportunities
> for public comment during the development of a specification. This message
> contains information on the document and how to comment. Please send
> comments to the public comments mailing list by 21 December 2005:

Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2005 16:30:39 UTC