- From: Dr Philip J Naylor, Engineering Mathematics <P.J.Naylor@bristol.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 17:04:20 +0000
- To: public-comments-wcag20@w3.org
Hi, I think I would agree with the RNID comments that SC 2.2.6 is sufficiently useful for all web users that it outght to be level 2, rather than 3. Having implemented this sort of system, I can appreciate that raising the level may cause authors difficulties, so a compromise might be to reworded it something along the lines of "with a minimum (preferably zero) loss of data", then add a technique that forms should be kept as short as possible so as to reduce the data loss on a session timeout. Longer forms could use a "wizard" approach - but I must admit it's not clear to me that having the server record progress through the form filling is significantly easier to achieve than the techniques already described. Greg Lowney's comment on the difficulty of storing session data on servers indefinitely seems to have been addressed by the alternative strategies detailed in the "Understanding WCAG 2.0" entry for this SC. However, the item : "* The user is prompted to re-authenticate in a separate viewport, thus preserving the original data." needs clarification of what's meant by a "viewport" (presumably a frame, or pop-up would risk breaking other success criteria ?), or it should be removed. Finally, it occurs to me that the SC only talks about _inactivity_ timeouts (i.e. timed from the last access), but some sites could be using a _session_ timeout (i.e. timed from the last authentication). Is there a concensus that the latter is "not a good idea", and if so should this be made clear in the success criteria ? Should there be definitions for these terms ? Other than that the 2.2 section of "Understanding WCAG 2.0" looks clear, and helpful to me (haven't had time to look at anything else). Philip. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Philip J. Naylor AFRSPSoc, Scientific Computer Support Officer, Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol.
Received on Monday, 19 December 2005 17:12:02 UTC