

I have just read the working draft of 30 July 2004 on accessibility (HTML
Techniques for WCAG 2.0).  In UK we are becoming more conscious of this
subject, and the small organisation I work for is about to launch a major
upgrade of our web-site to accommodate improved accessibility.

As such, we had intended having navigation grouped to the left of each web
page, with a "skip nav" link at the top left hand corner of the page.  Added
to this we intended accesskeys and a tabindex for all links.  This would
allow a range of alternatives to navigation through our site.

When I arrived at paragraph 9.5 in the document, I was surprised to see that
use of tabindex to skip link groups creates problems, and "don't do it".
Strictly speaking we were intending that using tabindex would take you
initially to "skip nav" (and which you could select to move to the body of
the page), or continue tabbing to select an alternative link.  Is our
intention different from paragraph 9.5?

I would appreciate your comment.

John Thomson

SHAL Housing Limited
2 King Square

Tel: 01278 444344  Fax: 01278 445610 
A member of the Quantocks Housing Partnership  
SHAL is registered as an Industrial and Provident Society and as an exempt
charity 27772R

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Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2004 11:02:43 UTC