
Hello WCAG2

Thought I'd make a comment about the statement below.

4.  Expressing the scope of  a conformance claim is a tricky issue for
       sites that integrate content from multiple sources (aggregators) as
       well as web applications.  Please describe the process you use to
       document your site's conformance to WCAG 1.0. Do you make
       detailed information about your conformance claim available on
       your site? For WCAG 2.0, how likely will you be to make detailed
       conformance information available in a form that is intended (a) to
       be read by people using the site, (b) to be interpreted by software
       without human intervention (e.g., metadata), or (c) both?

It has been my experience that a lot of sites who have a claim of 
conformance on their  home page are being less than honest.  The page may 
have started off being valid, but when I check them out, they are not. I 
personally do not like to use them as they give an impression that the 
whole site is in compliance. Perhaps this is why so many sites only have 
the icon on the first page. Also, your average surfer has no idea  what it 
means, those who think they do use it as gospel, rather than just a claim 
of conformity.

As the person responsible for the overall design, accessibility features 
and layout of this site   and Chair of the committee that 
oversees it, I feel that having the conformance icon is not necessary as 
our members know if it is totally accessible or not. We have also 
implemented our own rating criteria for web sites as seen on this link  We have based this on WCAG1.

Perhaps if the conformance was easily verifiable and not just a claim of 
the designer, then I would add it to sites that I create, but while it is 
being used improperly, then I don't believe it  does a service to 


Geof Collis

Is Your Site Accessible?
Badeyes Web Design
"Making the Web more Accessible"
Phone: 705-357-2117
Fax: 705-357-1833

Received on Tuesday, 10 August 2004 21:16:47 UTC