Re: Help with HLG profile

On 15-Oct-18 12:06, Simon Thompson-NM wrote:
> We believe that the best solution for HDR graphics would be to have 
> the ability to have correct, working ICC profiles embedded in the 
> image file (rather than using an incorrect profile with the ICC 
> profile name as a key to induce specific behaviour in the decoding 
> software, as proposed in the TTML group).
Yes, undoubtedly. And as you say, the question is whether a v4 profile 
can be constructed, or whether this really needs ICC Max.

I was very unhappy with the TTML solution, although I did get them to be 
clearer about exactly what they were doing (for example, that applying 
the embedded profile would give the incorrect result).

Chris Lilley
Technical Director @ W3C
W3C Strategy Team, Core Web Design
W3C Architecture & Technology Team, Core Web & Media

Received on Monday, 15 October 2018 10:28:13 UTC