Re: how to publish issue papers

This is great, thank you!

On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 10:50 PM Rain Michaels <> wrote:

> Hi Lisa,
> We covered this is the COGA Task Force meeting today, and the group agreed
> with the following:
>    - Yes, your two track approach makes sense as our path forward for
>    issue papers. This is the right direction.
>    - The group agreed that we would like to make sure there is a note
>    included at the top of all of the issue papers that are wiki pages, which
>    says something like "This is a wiki page maintained by the COGA Task force,
>    and not an official W3C note" -- then there would be a link to the formal
>    W3C notes.
>       - We aren't sure that the language in that proposed note is the
>       right language.
>    - Next steps
>       - Rain will put together a spreadsheet we can use to code the issue
>       papers and track their prioritization
>       - Becca will review that spreadsheet and improve it
>       - Once we have it, we can use it to determine which issue papers we
>       are doing first, and who will take leadership on each that we are
>       committing to
> Link to the discussion in our meeting minutes:
> Rain
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 3:50 AM Lisa Seeman <> wrote:
>> Hi Folks
>> Based on the survey and our discussion I believe we wanted to publish our
>> next versions of issue papers as a W3C note.
>> I would like to propose that we publish a new draft of our issue papers
>> with papers that we want to become a W3C note. That means going through a
>> wider review process. I suggest each issue paper is published as a
>> separate module so that it stays manageable.
>> Because this is a lot of work I suggest that we have two tracks
>>    - Track one: Papers to be included in our formal W3C Note. This
>>    should be our new papers, and papers we have updated
>>    - Track two: Older papers that we are not updating, we can put on our
>>    wiki. I understand that we can  point to our wiki in the note. but need to
>>    be very clear that these are out of date. We can update them and include
>>    them  as additional modules later.
>> The next steps will be
>>    1. To decide if this is the right direction
>>    2. To decide which old issue papers we want to include in the first
>>    round of publications. Our old issue papers are only published as an
>>    editors draft. see
>> Let me know what you think
>> All the best
>> Lisa Seeman-Horwitz
>> LinkedIn <>, Twitter
>> <>

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 11:39:00 UTC