how to publish issue papers

Hi Folks
Based on the survey and our discussion I believe we wanted to publish our
next versions of issue papers as a W3C note.

I would like to propose that we publish a new draft of our issue papers
with papers that we want to become a W3C note. That means going through a
wider review process. I suggest each issue paper is published as a
separate module so that it stays manageable.

Because this is a lot of work I suggest that we have two tracks

   - Track one: Papers to be included in our formal W3C Note. This should
   be our new papers, and papers we have updated
   - Track two: Older papers that we are not updating, we can put on our
   wiki. I understand that we can  point to our wiki in the note. but need to
   be very clear that these are out of date. We can update them and include
   them  as additional modules later.

The next steps will be

   1. To decide if this is the right direction
   2. To decide which old issue papers we want to include in the first
   round of publications. Our old issue papers are only published as an
   editors draft. see

Let me know what you think
All the best

Lisa Seeman-Horwitz

LinkedIn <>, Twitter

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 07:50:32 UTC