- From: Lisa Seeman <lisa1seeman@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 19:10:30 +0200
- To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <public-cognitive-a11y-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKExBMKUJA+c+U05VgnmeQGYR1g-Wp57wUPmri9d96J+tsOrVQ@mail.gmail.com>
I have had problems making the minutes so I am sending them to the list... Hopefully Roy can get them on line as well ALl the best Lisa [18:00] <Lisa> scribe: EA [18:01] == Jennie [~Jennie@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:01] <Jennie> present+ [18:01] == Becca_Monteleone [~Becca_Monteleone@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:01] == Eric_hind [~Eric_hind@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:01] <Lisa> next item [18:01] * Zakim thinks agendum 1 -- Updates with task requests and action < https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#> -- taken up [from Lisa] [18:01] == tburtin [~tburtin@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:02] <tburtin> present+ [18:02] <Lisa> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list [18:03] <Eric_hind> present+ [18:04] == julierawe [~julierawe@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:04] == DavidSwallow [~DavidSwallow@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:04] <DavidSwallow> present+ [18:04] <Becca_Monteleone> present+ [18:07] == EA [~EA@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:07] <EA> present+ [18:08] <EA> Internationalisation Meeting Weds 29th Nov - people joining from International group - calendar invitation sent out yesterday [18:09] <EA> Need to work out how we want to communicate and whether happy with the 5 choices of languages [18:10] <EA> Conditional tests by language - are we happy about the outcomes - second half of the call how we will work together [18:10] <@Rachael> The WCAG 3 discussion on internationalization is at https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/17 [18:10] <kirkwood> present+ [18:10] <EA> Approach to internationalisation discussion about how to move forward [18:11] <EA> Working with APA will be the next bit - David has joined and provided update [18:12] <kirkwood> Well done David! [18:12] <EA> David has finished work of taking all the comments into the github repository - feedback has yet to occurr [18:14] <Lisa> Collaboration_Tool_Accessibility [18:14] <kirkwood> CTAUR [18:14] <EA> David will let us know about feedback - don't want to extend too far but interested in collaborative editing. Would like to know what the problems are with github and other collaborative tools such as CTAUR [18:15] <Lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wS8XbxDF3UWnHyxXR-hqJNqGw4HhrwEYSjCpJs5VSUs/edit [18:15] <EA> Lisa explained that there are multiple documents on the subject and has provided a link above [18:15] <Lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bxhXLpsqIy5p6zZHxlsSvjmhUjFqSFGCgE4eelRJxH8/edit#heading=h.eypr9f4t01p [18:15] == JustineP [~JustineP@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga [18:15] <EA> The most interesting is W3C tools as per link above. [18:16] <EA> There is a presentation on the subject that occurred at TPAC [18:17] <kirkwood> can you put presentation link in here? [18:17] <EA> Summary that Jennie and John put together about the issues that surround the use of Github. Lisa said these could be sent again and as a example the subject lines in all the emails...concatenated issues [18:19] <EA> APA Research group process also caused problems so there was going to be a wiki that showed what research terms they used and sometimes they used words that did not always cover coga user groups. Need to include coga user needs within the search terms. [18:19] <Lisa> presention https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KGtp5tLEO7Whsp814KS-rQTxb6QJQoQXhcvYSWfHF8s/edit#slide=id.gf8e218d3da_1_35 [18:20] <EA> Lisa put in the presentation link and reiterated how these issues have been covered - need to make subject lines relevant to the new content within messages and notifications [18:21] <EA> David Swallow mentioned that APA is aware that github is not perfect [18:21] <Lisa> next item [18:21] * Zakim thinks agendum 2 -- Review and next steps for the research plan https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit -- taken up [from Lisa] [18:22] <EA> Last week approval was accepted some issue papers for updating - Abi did a review of the list [18:23] <EA> Need to tag and note which ones are out of date - some old ones were from 2015 [18:25] <EA> Just update the sections on Dyslexia downwards - ADHD taken on - Long Covid was mentioned but may want to increase the range that links to overlapping difficulties such as brain fog / memory and general cognitive difficulties [18:25] <Lisa> any objections [18:25] <Lisa> 1. update by modules, cognative function and methodolgy gets put on wiki as seprate. 2. 10 papers min [18:25] <EA> Need at least 10 recent research papers to back the updates if possible - more is better but not always possible [18:25] <Jennie> q+ [18:25] * Zakim sees Jennie on the speaker queue [18:26] <Lisa> ack next [18:26] * Zakim sees Jennie at the head of the speaker queue [18:26] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:26] <tburtin> q+ [18:26] * Zakim sees tburtin on the speaker queue [18:27] <EA> Jennie said that if there are ones we would like done but do not have the expertise within the coga group could we reach out to other experts or even students who would be willing to do the literary review [18:27] <Lisa> ack next [18:27] * Zakim sees tburtin at the head of the speaker queue [18:27] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:27] <EA> Lisa agreed that extra help from outside groups would be good. [18:27] <EA> EAq [18:27] <EA> q+ [18:27] * Zakim sees EA on the speaker queue [18:28] <Lisa> ack next [18:28] * Zakim sees EA at the head of the speaker queue [18:28] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:28] <DavidSwallow> Apologies, I have to drop early for a work meeting. [18:29] <EA> Lisa suggested may have to stagger the times working on the research [18:31] <EA> Lisa need to look at the research for the disabilities before updating Content Usable - so reduced number of latest papers is acceptable... can return to the group to look for more papers [18:33] <kirkwood> not sure aphasia is a ‘learning’ [18:33] <kirkwood> q+ [18:33] * Zakim sees kirkwood on the speaker queue [18:33] == jamesn [~uid290110@3232b82.publics.cloak] has joined #COGA [18:34] <Lisa> ack next [18:34] * Zakim sees kirkwood at the head of the speaker queue [18:34] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:34] <EA> Timescales may be going to a couple of months [18:36] <EA> John Kirkwood pointed out the differences between Aphasia and the learning disabilities - important to be aware of the range of issue involved with reading and making people understand [18:36] <EA> Expressive versus receptive language and making cotent accessible. [18:37] <EA> content accessible [18:38] <EA> Lisa pointed out the functional needs we have discussed and need to possible expand the cognitive issues [18:39] <EA> Lisa asked for more volunteers for doing the literary reviews - each user module may need a couple of months. Better to do it in a team of two or more. [18:39] <EA> Lisa asked Becca whether she could take on more later once her present issue papers are finished [18:39] <Eric_hind> q+ [18:39] * Zakim sees Eric_hind on the speaker queue [18:40] <Eric_hind> q- [18:40] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:40] <EA> Erik volunteered for whatever was available [18:41] <EA> Becca will think about working on one when finished her present work [18:41] <tburtin> q+ [18:41] * Zakim sees tburtin on the speaker queue [18:41] <Lisa> https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-user-research/ [18:41] <EA> Jennie wondered what a user module means - the group of disabilities listed in the 2015 document [18:42] <Lisa> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PrlyRHkxQKdiIZDQwsgbfchNgY14o0vRT3f_L7fXlxo/edit#gid=0 [18:42] <EA> Jennie said she will respond next week [18:42] <EA> Everyone presuaded to sign up after next week to help with the research if possible [18:43] <EA> Jennie is happy to also reach out to others when she has investigated more into what is involved. [18:43] <EA> Lisa will elaborate via email as to what the 'ask' is [18:43] <Lisa> next item [18:43] * Zakim sees a speaker queue remaining and respectfully declines to close this agendum [18:43] <Lisa> ack next [18:43] * Zakim sees tburtin at the head of the speaker queue [18:43] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:44] <EA> Tiffany offered the support of a co-worker who has been involved in research around user personas [18:45] <Lisa> next item [18:45] * Zakim thinks agendum 3 -- Review of new versions of issue papers (by Becca) on wayfinding (see https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1TDtuC_iMyS_X6nXwyEEAu4Abp2tXHb86/edit ) -- taken [18:45] * Zakim ... up [from Lisa] [18:45] <EA> John Kirkwood - Downs syndrom and cognitive disabilities - need to see what is missing. May need to regroup items [18:46] <Becca_Monteleone> Wayfinding: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TDtuC_iMyS_X6nXwyEEAu4Abp2tXHb86/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102321809599068419955&rtpof=true&sd=true [18:46] <EA> Becca - Wayfinding link in IRC [18:47] <EA> All that is left to do is a use case - needs a persona then can be formally reviewed - summary of search strategies / databases used and then added 13 new papers [18:47] <kirkwood> q+ re wayfinding [18:47] * Zakim sees kirkwood on the speaker queue [18:47] <Lisa> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cu_qVP1WBz2TbsrAjLbbeb55RAlJmu9kfHamriL1Ocs/edit#gid=1686096268 [18:47] <Becca_Monteleone> Conversational Interface: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit?usp=sharing [18:47] <EA> Becca said this could used by others as examples [18:48] <Lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit#heading=h.tzwiganz83f7 [18:48] <EA> Lisa mentioned that there is a collaborative paper with search terms and papers [18:48] <Lisa> ack next [18:48] * Zakim sees kirkwood at the head of the speaker queue [18:48] <Zakim> kirkwood, you wanted to discuss wayfinding [18:48] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:48] <EA> John Kirkwood - indoor and outdoor wayfinding [18:49] * Rachael I need to step out. hope you all have a good week. [18:49] <EA> Becca said that this paper is one on indoor wayfinding - there is another paper on outdoor navigation. [18:49] <EA> Lisa felt it would be easier to link the two issue papers - [18:49] <Lisa> https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-gap-analysis/#way-finding [18:49] <EA> Becca will make a note to put the two papers together. [18:51] <EA> Becca said the conversational interfaces issue paper is not so advanced [18:52] <EA> This needs much more updating to include Siri etc as the conversational voice systems may now need an update due to the fact that the issues are not as distinct as they should be - no longer a telephone system [18:53] <Lisa> q+ [18:53] * Zakim sees Lisa on the speaker queue [18:53] <EA> Becca read out the original explanation - this is felt to now be out of date. [18:53] <Lisa> ack next [18:53] * Zakim sees Lisa at the head of the speaker queue [18:53] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:55] <EA> Lisa said that the voice systems were separated but now it has been suggested that there is one on voice navigational systems but divide between the conversational system and the other navigational. One bundle with separate sections [18:55] <kirkwood> voice menu systems and conversational systems [18:55] <EA> Becca felt that much of what is discussed as issues happens in both situations. [18:55] <EA> Lisa said this will make it an extended update [18:55] <kirkwood> q+ [18:55] * Zakim sees kirkwood on the speaker queue [18:56] <EA> Lisa went on to suggested that these voice systems have now really extended from a menu system to much more of a conversation. [18:57] <Lisa> ack next [18:57] * Zakim sees kirkwood at the head of the speaker queue [18:57] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [18:57] <EA> Becca highlighted the issue of biases and how these can occur with the voice systems [18:58] <tburtin> q+ [18:58] * Zakim sees tburtin on the speaker queue [18:58] <EA> John Kirkwood agreed with the differences discussed between choosing from a series of menus compared to the way we all respond to the voice systems and how culture has an impact and individual differences [18:59] <EA> Lisa suggested that the menu systems can be separated out John Kirkwood addedthe way they work with different number of items [18:59] <Lisa> ack next [18:59] * Zakim sees tburtin at the head of the speaker queue [18:59] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [19:00] <EA> Tiffany clarified but the selection of a pathway compared to a voice assistant that responds to speech to text [19:01] <EA> Becca felt that speech to text may be out of scope [19:02] <kirkwood> pi.ai ? [19:02] <Lisa> RRSAgent, publish minutes [19:02] <EA> Tiffany mentioned AI models of speech to text with ASR working to respond [19:02] <EA> https://pi.ai/onboarding [19:02] <Lisa> RRSAgent, publish minutes [19:03] <kirkwood> present+ -- All the best Lisa Seeman-Horwitz LinkedIn <http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/>, Twitter <https://twitter.com/SeemanLisa>
Received on Monday, 20 November 2023 17:11:14 UTC