survey on how to involve people with learning disabilities in design

Hello COGA Task Force colleagues

I'm sharing a request from a colleague, Sally Ferguson-Wormley. Sally is a
PhD student working with Speakup, a self-advocacy group for people with
lived experience of high-support needs I/DD and autism.

Sally and her colleagues are engaged in a comprehensive research study
looking at how people with learning disabilities can be involved in design.
They are looking for input from people working in technology. This study is
likely to be one that our task force will find valuable for our own issue
papers, as well.

If you have a few minutes, she would be grateful if you fill out this

You are also welcome to share this link with others and/or reach out to directly for more details or any requests.


[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Design Lead, Google Product Inclusion, Equity and Accessibility

Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2023 13:45:50 UTC