Summary of extra COGA meeting about the Collaboration Tools feedback

Meeting notes for the Tuesday, May 2 2023 meeting about COGA’s feedback on the Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements (CTAUR) are below.
Thank you to the attendees: Lisa, John K, Jan.

  *   The group reviewed the history of work already completed.
  *   The group identified gaps and lessons learned.
  *   A new folder is now in the shared Google drive for this work.
  *   A subfolder will contain the historical documents (currently empty).
  *   Read me document available in the folder.
     *   Contains next steps.
     *   Has timeline for work.
     *   Has format for entering comments.
Minutes from the meeting (Note: some of the notes are directly in the Google doc, and IRC did not capture official meeting minutes – this is a paste of the notes from IRC):

[08:03] <lisa>

[08:03] <lisa>

[08:05] <kirkwood> seem to have the wrong zoom link argh
[08:07] == Jan_ [~Jan@a11e3e9c.public.cloak] has joined #coga
[08:07] <Jan_> present+
[08:09] <kirkwood> present+
[08:13] <Jennie> CTAUR:

[08:14] <Jennie> Old document, no longer used:

[08:19] <Jennie> Latest document for gathering COGA feedback:

[08:21] <Jennie> Lisa thinks what we need to do is to copy over CTAUR
[08:21] <Jennie> ...into a Google doc
[08:21] <Jennie> ...then, add the things from the different documents.
[08:22] <Jennie> ...We take each one of the documents listed
[08:22] <Jennie> ...Especially the later ones
[08:22] <Jennie> ...We may find we have a lot of what is needed
[08:22] <Jennie> the historical documents
[08:23] <Jennie> ...We should put in the comments of what we want, where
[08:23] <Jennie> ...Then, we could all take a job.
[08:23] <Jennie> ...Some can take the older documents, especially the historical ones, and make sure the information is gathered
[08:24] <Jennie> ...Example: make sure that Shawn's issues are captured.
[08:24] <Jennie> ...Then, try to get comments from people.
[08:24] <Jennie> ...Once we are confident we can ask the community as well
[08:25] <Jennie> ...Then we can show it to Janina, and see what to do next
[08:25] <Jennie> ...I can do that - the first piece
[08:25] <Jennie> ...In our review, and as a team - we need to end it up as "please add this sentence here"
[08:25] <Jennie> ...Or "add these 3 words" so it is really clear
[08:26] <Jennie> ...It can translate clearly what we are asking for
[08:34] <Jennie> Main level of the new folder for this work:

[08:38] <kirkwood> This is VERY helpful BTW.
[09:00] <lisa> RRSAgent, publish minutes

Jennie Delisi, MA, Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA)
Accessibility Analyst | Office of Accessibility
Minnesota IT Services | Partners in Performance
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
O: 651-201-1135
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Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2023 14:09:45 UTC