COGA Testing Subgroup direction

Hello folks,

Jennie and I spoke about where we would like to go moving forward with 
the testing subgroup.

First we will be focusing on the third item in the KPI:

>  At least 10 patterns have edge cases drafted and Discussed  in 
> examples and inapplicable examples  (ideally for all the patterns)

Although we would like to change the wording a bit to use "use cases" 
instead of "edge cases".

Jennie and I will be meeting on March 9th to look at one pattern 
together and then after that work asynchronously on the other 9. Please 
let us know if any of you would like to participate in this working 

We aim to have the at least 10 patterns looked at and have a summary to 
share with the sub group at the  meeting on Thursday, March 30, 2023.

After that we can hopefully have a better idea on how to write a draft 
of the documentation and the table of content portion of the KPI.

Thank you all very much,

Shawn and Jennie

**Shawn Thompson, WAS**
Web Accessibility Technical Advisor | Conseiller technique en 
accessibilité Web
Montreal, Quebec
(613) 363-7468

Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2023 19:27:45 UTC