Re: Review of the pronunciation specification and user needs from Abi and EA

Hi Janina
My mistake, I had understood  that Becky and you wanted to add it to APA's
comments. But we are happy to send it to pronunciation independently.
Would you like us to post it as an issue to pronunciation separately?

Also, I will add a column on our coordination page at our Actions_Requests
<> to say
were we put the feedback.

Lets make sure we both regularly check our Actions_Requests
<> were we
trake joint actions to make sure we have all our APA actions correct..

All the best


On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 3:32 PM Janina Sajka <> wrote:

> Lisa,
> Thanks for these comments on Pronunciation TF documents. This kind of
> review is very much what we were asking for during our APA rechartering
> discussions. So, thanks to you for seeing to the work, and to James and
> the others in COGA who helped develop the comments.
> It would be helpful if we could refine the process for forwarding such
> comments a bit. While it's helpful to me and Becky, as APA Chairs, to be
> apprised, it's even more important that the comments get to the groups
> working on the document's content. I'm saying this because I've noted
> Pronunciation is not cc'd on this email.
> Did you file github issues as requested in the Status section of these
> documents? It would be most helpful to follow the procedures requested
> by each W3C publication in the publication's Status section regarding
> comments. That way you're not counting on me and Becky noticing the
> group doing the work isn't being notified of the requested comments,
> which implicitly requires us to forward the work on.
> Does this make sense? And, can we please confirm that these comments
> where filed in github as requested in the documents?
> Thanks again for the good work. Please do keep the reviews coming!
> Best,
> Janina
> Lisa Seeman writes:
> > Hi APA
> > Abi James and EA did a review of the pronunciation specification and user
> > needs on behalf of COGA for the APA responses. The main items are
> additional
> > examples to cover COGA needs and assist with implementation.
> >
> >
> >
> > Pronunciation User Scenarios
> > <>: we would
> recommend
> > that an additional scenario is added to cover the challenges with dates,
> > number, time, Roman numerals, post/zip code and money being misread by
> text
> > to speech. We addressed this in one of the design patterns in Content
> > usable: 4.4.6 Use Clear, Unambiguous Formatting and Punctuation
> > <
> >.
> > We would recommend that this scenario is not focussed on education
> > materials (as there is a maths education one all reader) but could be
> > related to accessing financial or government services e.g. applying for a
> > loan or completing a tax return.
> >
> >
> >
> > Specification for Spoken Presentation In HTML
> > <
> >
> > :
> >
> > The use of *data-ssml-phoneme-ph *did not include any examples. It was
> not
> > clear if a developer would be able to write the phonemes and know they
> > would be correctly pronounced. Adding examples that can be tested would
> be
> > beneficial.
> >
> >
> >
> > It was not clear from the document how the html <lang> attribute would
> > interact with this specification alongside an individuals choice of voice
> > or the voices available on the devices. For example, if the language of
> the
> > page is set to en-gb but an individual is using a device where only an
> > American voice is available then this effects how values of properties
> such
> > as date or telephone are announced with the voice default taking
> precedent
> > and often misreading (e.g. 4/3/21 is announced as 3rd April 2021 instead
> of
> > 4th March 2021 as the author intended). For languages where text to
> speech
> > may not be available then this is more important that the this mark-up
> can
> > be used to override the voice defaults then it can allow the content
> > creator to write in cultural and linguistic requirements that are not
> > currently supported by voice engines.
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >
> >
> > Abi, EA, Lisa
> --
> Janina Sajka
> Linux Foundation Fellow
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 19:37:35 UTC