Re: Fwd: first comments from my editorial pass

On 10/11/2020 15:35, Lisa Seeman wrote:
> I am not sure i like success examples and failure examples using the words =
> "use" and avoid"
> They give the expectation of a complete list and not an example

Interesting, I had not thought of that implication, but do see how it 
might be interpreted that way. However the sections is named 'Examples' 
which counteracts that. I think they are a reasonable compromise but 
would like to find better if we can .

 > Maybe we should try another term,

The titles "use" and "avoid" where chosen as we have to avoid using 
WCAG-style formal language. And after some brainstorming if I recall. 
For the web prototype [1] we tried "Sufficient" and "Insufficient" but 
they were felt to be, er, insufficient. Perhaps as they are not easy read?

 > or make the examples more complete (this = may delay publication but 
are more likely to be testable)

I suggest we realistically cannot get close to 'complete' lists for all 
Patterns. Plus adding more examples would swell the size of the Design 
Guide even further, making it less approachable. There's room for 
another practical examples resource though, possibly as an expansion of 
the Web Design Guide. The current guide of around 2 entries for each 
case seems good to me.



Received on Monday, 16 November 2020 11:15:13 UTC