2.1.1 comment from EO

EO suggested we move the content in 2.1.1. to the main introduction (unless
it is duplicated) propose the following rewrite for 2.1.1.

2.1 1 How to Use this Document:

This document provides information to help website creators make content
more usable and accessible for people with cognitive impairments. The
high-level objectives outline key design goals that will help people with
cognitive impairments. Each objective has associated user needs, stories,
personas, and design patterns.

The document is divided into parts that can be used by different groups and
in different documents to support content development. For example,

• User needs could be incorporated into requirements specifications

• Design patterns could be used in design guidelines or included in design

• Design patterns can help in developing content guidelines to promote
plain language

• User stories and personas can be used to inform design activities such
service walkthroughs

The Objectives and Overview section maps the user needs, personas, and
patterns together under each objective. This provides a way to understand
how to address the objective and why it is important.


Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2020 13:25:57 UTC