Re: Proposed glossary entries

Thank you all for your feedback. I feel this glossary should be kept separate and presented in a similar way to other W3C glossaries. The WAI page where this content came from is an educational page on abilities and barriers so is not really suitable for adding unrelated content. 

Best wishes


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> On 20 May 2020, at 15:11, Janina Sajka <> wrote:
> It's probably best for W3C/WAI to speak with one voice. So, amplifying
> and adding to the existing resource makes sense.
> We should consider that orthagonal to the COGA document, though. I don't
> believe the one is dependent on the other at this point.
> Best,
> Janina
> Lisa Seeman writes:
>> This looks very good.  Thank you.I think it is good enough for a wide review draft, but maybe intergration into the wai glossary is a bit earlyAll the bestLisa SeemanLinkedIn, Twitter ---- On Wed, 20 May 2020 13:33:00 +0300  wrote ----Thank you Abi and Jennie
>> Could I suggest we consider seeing if our entries could be added to the 
>> WAI website resource so there is a single point of reference?
>> That will make it easier for developers to find and use, plus should 
>> also ease maintenance, especially now the formats are similar.
>> We can always explore the option after this Wide Review release if there 
>> is not enough time.
>> Apologies if you were already suggesting this.
>> Steve
>>> On 19/05/2020 18:22, James A. wrote:
>>> Hello everyone
>>> Jennie and I have been working on the glossary task. We found that the 
>>> current W3C WAI page on abilities and barriers 
>>> <;;sdata=I1kElfxqgm97Xw0CMWjU940o%2FWKTQReupa%2BgZ56Uaeo%3D&amp;reserved=0> contained 
>>> descriptions of many of the cognitive difficulties that we were 
>>> attempting to define. As these were clear and easy to read, as well as 
>>> already in use by W3C, we felt that we should use these as a starting 
>>> point and adopt this style for the additional entries we require.
>>> We have created a glossary from the WAI definitions and have added
>>> additional entries to cover the our prioity list in the same style. This 
>>> has been reviewed by Rachael and EA so we feel that this is now ready to 
>>> go out as part of the wider review of content usable. The proposed 
>>> glossary is in a google doc at 
>>> .
>>> Best wishes
>>> Abi
> -- 
> Janina Sajka
> Linux Foundation Fellow
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:;;sdata=6ptbg11YWUFxnfZwjNeh66THxvQ9Iy4OFloY7WpwwFY%3D&amp;reserved=0

> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures;;sdata=SsdbREtFSZlU7%2FpTl5E6Ir1JTfn3s7lKs2QmrG3%2F70Q%3D&amp;reserved=0


Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 17:59:38 UTC