Re:RE: to do list for next publication

Thank you so much. It looks good

I still have a lot of problems with section 2.1 as it. It backs up the story that our requirments are  untestable, and backs up a narative for wcag that personaly I disagree with.

So I arprove this oher then section 1.2 which needs to be rewitten. I would like to comment  out section 1.2 and continue with the draft
All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

---- On Tue, 01 May 2018 02:24:15 +0300 wrote ----

Hi Lisa (and everyone),


I updated Roy’s branch with my updates, and included some yellow highlighting to show which bits have been updated.


The rendered view is here:


There was a pull request which you can review, but I merged it in so you could see the result more easily.


If that’s ok, I can remove the highlighting and merge into master.


Kind regards,




From: lisa.seeman <> 
Sent: 26 April 2018 17:47
To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <>
Subject: to do list for next publication


Here is the to do list for the next publication of the gap analysis. We hope to have a call for consensus out during next week. 

Please let me know if I have forgotten anything:

Jan to put in changes into the branch with the summaries  (By Sunday)
Alister to do his additions to the appendix on making content useable (by tuesda)
Add editors note on the section with the tables saying: "The task force intend to update this section with: 
Updates due to changes in the personlization specification and the web accessibility guidelines, 
updates from new research, 
editorial changes and 
changes to make it easier to read and follow. We would like suggestions  that could be used to make this section more understandable."
Add section near the beginning called "finding your way around this document" with an editors not saying we intend to add this section to help people find their way around this document. 
Add near the beginning of the document something like: "This document also has an appendix on <a>how to make content usable for people with learning and cognitive impairments</a>. We hope it will meet the needs of  web developers and content creators and policy makers.  


All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter


Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2018 06:05:06 UTC