Minutes from the Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference -Thursday 16th August 2018

Minutes from the COGA teleconference of 23 August are provided below as text.
They're available as hypertext at:



                                                                                   - DRAFT -

                                                               Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

23 Aug 2018


          janina, Roy, LisaSeemanKestenbaum, JohnRochford, kirkwood, Glenda, Jennie, shari, alastairc, Jan





     * Topics
         1. COGA Recruiting
         2. Accomodation COGA in Telecons
         3. Gap Analysis WD https://tinyurl.com/y7w6awvl
     * Summary of Action Items
     * Summary of Resolutions

   on my way, talking to Judy.

   <scribe> scribe:alastairc

   Janina: coming up on the 100th anniversay of AT&T coining the term "Universal Access".
   ... in 1910, if you lived in Kansas, you could only call people on the same operators network, so you'd need 2 phones as there were 2 operators!

COGA Recruiting

   <Glenda> Jennie Delisi https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennie-delisi-ma-cpwa-8b988138/

   Glenda, we have a new recruit, she's coming under AG for working group, as an invited expert.

   JohnK: I have a feelilng that if I had a properly worded note from W3C as to what the need was, there are two orgs I work with that train people with cognitive
   disabilities to use technology, and they are facilities that help people return to work, personal tech items. In that pool, I could find people.

   Janina: you have to join one of those groups, then be added to that task force.
   ... The best places to start would be group/TF pages, and the wiki. Looking for people on both sides, COGA experts and standards/dev experts.
   ... also helpful to get community help.

   John: What's the time commitment?

   <janina> http://www.w3.org/Guide/

   AC: I'd recommend they think about 3-4 hours a week on average.

Accomodation COGA in Telecons

   AC: Question - are there resources for how to interact with people with cognitive issues in meetings, or in general that we could provide to AG members?

   <Glenda> I don’t know if this document is accessible, but this reminds me of a cool document called “Communicating with Deaf Individuals”

   Jan: The issues from before were more around professionalism rather than coga-specific interactions.

   <Zakim> janina, you wanted to say chairs are responsible, but guidance in art of consensus could be helpful

   John: Remember that there was another org investigating this, but they didn't finish.

   Janina: I'll take an action item, will talk with Judy about this.

   <Glenda> I also like establishing Ground Rules for Meetings - see these 10 Ground Rules http://meetingsift.com/ground-rules-for-meetings/

   Jan: Part of it is being professional. Hard to find the line between professional behaviour, but also have to understand some people have limitations in filtering
   incoming information, or other aspects.

   <Glenda> I like the “don’t judge” addition - dyslexia typos (example)

   <kirkwood> The Brain Injury Association of NYS (BIANYS.org] or BIA of America may have a checklist (of sorts) for building consensus with cognitive disabilites. Or to
   address specific challenges.

   AC: Agreeing, just looking for help or pointers on how to progress with that.

   <kirkwood> Be tolerent to different thinking styles and processing speeds

Gap Analysis WD https://tinyurl.com/y7w6awvl

   <shari> I have quite a bit more to review

   <Glenda> Alastair - have you seen the 4 agreements? http://www.toltecspirit.com/ I love “Don’t take anything personally” and “Don’t make assumptions”. Okay..I love
   all 4 :)

   Jan: Making progress, the worry is still the findability of it. Some of the paragraphs have lots of links in which could be confusing.

   Shari: 10 links later I'm buried deep in the document and can't find my way back! Not sure how to deal with it, but it will be something people find difficult. Spent
   about 1.5 hours yesterday. But, we need to consider the content is not written in simple language.
   ... Often I had to stop, re-read, so I made some edits. Will make comments about simplifying. given the purpose of the doc.

   <Glenda> Quick News: https://www.colemaninstitute.org/2018-conference/ 2018 Coleman Conference on Cognitive Disability and Technology in October

   Jan: Hyperlinks: wonderful things! Evil things! we often click through and loose track.

   AC: Note that the audience is people making standards, doesn't have to be general public audience level.

   EA: JohnK & I were working on the design requirements - should we add reference links?

   AC: Yes, bottom of each section.

   trackbot end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

Present: janina Roy LisaSeemanKestenbaum JohnRochford kirkwood Glenda Jennie shari alastairc Jan
Regrets: lisa
Found Scribe: alastairc
Found Date: 23 Aug 2018


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa

Received on Friday, 24 August 2018 20:02:25 UTC