change to the section on user testing


i would like to make a change to the section on user testing in the appendixfrom

Content requirements
For requirements which can be reliably tested, WCAG 2.1 provides many well-tested success criteria. Where there is overlap this document will link to the appropriate WCAG 2.1 criteria.


Content requirements
WCAG 2.1 provides many well-tested success criteria, but there is a lack of success criteria that address the needed of people with cognitive and learning disabilities. The design requirements in this document can supplement to the WCAG success criteria Where there is overlap this document will identify the appropriate WCAG 2.1 criteria.

I think this is more inline with the feelings of the group. 
All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Monday, 30 April 2018 16:38:19 UTC