RE: volunteer for success criteria - division - clear layout

I have offered to work on 'clear layout' Please could you let me know if this one has been now been divided up and where I can find the section that I need to get into the new template.  Apologies if I missed the links in other emails but I am a bit swamped at the moment.

Best wishes

From: Thad C []
Sent: 12 August 2016 16:17
To: lisa. seeman <>
Cc: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <>
Subject: Re: volenteer for success cryteria

Good Morning,

Just so I am 100% clear before I start can you send a link and a callout to the two SC criteria this has been broken into. It is probably clear if I look but just want 100% clarity before I start the work this weekend

Thanks! Did you see the new proposal? It has been broken up into two criteria. Is that still ok?
All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn<>, Twitter<>

---- On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 04:33:46 +0300 Thad C<<>> wrote ----

I will sign up for:

Support is provided that help users complete and check their task, that includes: Note - will be broken up

I will log into the system to official take onto the task in a bit.

On Aug 11, 2016 7:34 AM, "lisa.seeman" <<>> wrote:

Hi Folks

Please can you volunteer for putting success criteria into the WCAG template by signing up here:

Writing up according to the template:

(also attached as html page - if you need it in MS word let me know)

I made a sample at : (note this does not follow the template right now but has all the content - I will try to update it to the new template soon)

It is worth looking at wcag 2.O such as to see the kind of wording used in WCAG.

Comply with:

Also, realy realy important , is we want to get these passed, to do this we realy want to:

  *   show the benefits including any evidence and
  *   show test-ability
  *   make it clear
you can see an example of a general test procedure here:

Some thing we might want to clarify s that people with cognitive disabilities include many types of disabilities such as
people with

  *   Language related disabilities
  *   Memory related disabilities
  *   Focus and attention related disabilities
  *   Executive and decision making disabilities

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn<>, Twitter<>

Received on Monday, 15 August 2016 08:55:27 UTC