Some links I found for evaluating what scientific research is good (or not):
Thanks and best wishes
Tim Boland NIST
From: lisa.seeman []
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2015 8:25 AM
To: Katherine Deibel
Cc: public-cognitive-a11y-tf
Subject: What research to accept
Hi Kate
I think we should have some official criteria by which we decide what research to accept.
For example
Due to practical constraints most research will simply be cited and not examined for credibility. However the following cases will rely on task force consensuses before inclusion.
-Commercial research that implies the use of a specific proprietary product will be examined for scientific credibility before being included
-Research where the task force is aware of contradictory evidence (including anecdotal) will be examined for scientific credibility before being included
Do you want to change / add anything
All the best
Lisa Seeman
Athena ICT Accessibility Projects <>
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