reminder - look at diverse user scenarios that should be considered in user group research.

Please look the approach and situations we want to cover when thinking about user scenarios and user group research - See

>From the wiki...................

In making user scenarios and user group research we are taking a multilevel approach. A. Asking the users
 What do they have trouble with? 
Tasks that they ask for help 
Tasks that they avoid 
Tasks they often make mistakes 
 B. Addressing specific topics
 In the user group research section of the gap analysis we aim to identify abstract principles for accessibility for people with cognitive and learning disabilities, and core challenges for each user group as well as practical techniques. 
However, when trying to identify abstract principles it is often helpful to look at concrete user scenarios and challenges that different user groups face. For that purpose we have identified the practical and diverse user scenarios that should be considered in user group research. These include: 
Communication  Making sure users can communicate with people and be part of society Tasks to investigate: 
 Use email and chat effectively 
Being aware of a change 
Share pictures and information 
Request information 
 Apps to enable work such as document authoring 
Critical DHTML content and applications such as: enroll and manage healthcare, make an appointment enroll, and manage banking shop online 
 sign-up / register and manage account profile on a site book and manage travel 
 Enroll in and participate in online education 
Apps such as mobile apps 
Directions / location 
 ICT systems 
 Use the Web of Things applications such as temp control, entertainment systems 
Phone menu systems 
Other menu systems 
 Research and Education 
 Understand content and learning materiel 
Search, research, and find information 
Enroll in and participate in online education 
 Access to critical information 
 Read and share news 
Find Weather alerts 
Find out rites and social service information 
 C. We also have the following cross cutting concerns
 Using content should be: 
Minimal frustration 

All the best

Lisa Seeman

Athena ICT Accessibility Projects 
LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 18:48:36 UTC