Re: Availability check for conference call

Hay Ron thank you

I d like to join a call sometime to meet this group but cannot commit to a
precise date at the mo, being swamped

my time zone for the next couple of months is GMT +7m so the most decent
time for me to join a call would be
between 1-2 pm London time, which is 8-9 pm for me, after which hour I
generally become vague

If possible please record the calls, so that we can catch up with the

Look forward to be meeting online soon!

On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 3:22 AM Ronald P. Reck <> wrote:

> Greetings W3C Cognitive-AI community group members,
> We would like to schedule a conference call and wonder what everyone's
> availability is. The purpose of the call is to:
> 1. Arrange a webinar/teleconference to introduce Cognitive AI
> 2. Discuss next steps around chunks data and rules formats
> My ideal availability is M,T,TH,FRI 1-4 GMT
> If you are interested in attending please respond with your preferred
> time.
> -Ronald P. Reck

Received on Saturday, 5 September 2020 10:13:47 UTC