Re: Online sandbox for experimenting with chunks and rules

That would be great!

The computational model is straightforward - when the chunk buffers are updated, the rule engine looks for rules whose conditions match the current state of the buffers (striatum). If there is more than one matching rule, a stochastic process is used based upon the rule’s fitness (pallidum), and the selected rule is then applied (thalamus) to update the buffers directly or indirectly via invoking operations on modules in a request/response pattern similar to HTTP. In the brain, it is thought that the rule matching process uses a discrimination network implemented by the striatum.

> On 28 Jul 2020, at 08:13, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:
> Something to play with! I d love to help with tutorials
> but WOULD need to figure out first what it is/what it does
> :-)
> My eyes are a bit sore from reading/writing and working on submissions
> read v quickly the refs in the links -
> I dont understand what it does - what kind of computational process runs the rules
> I d like to ask some questions when we both got time 
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 3:02 PM Dave Raggett < <>> wrote:
> I’ve created a sandbox for experimenting with chunks and rules within your browser. It allows you to edit facts and rules and to save your work across sessions using the browser’s local storage API. You can single step through rule execution and see the current state of the goal and facts module buffers as well as a log of which rules were applied.
> <>
> If you’ve made a syntax error, you will see a red box around the edit area when you click save. Some details will be visible in the log box above. You need to fix the area before you can save your work.
> I am hoping to expand this into a tutorial by providing a means to select or step through tutorial topics, with information pertinent to each one being shown within the page when a given topic is selected.
> Anyone interested in helping with preparing some tutorials?
> Dave Raggett < <>> <>
> W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Dave Raggett <>
W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 2020 08:10:51 UTC