COGA folks, please consider adding to this Github thread about Preety's age

Hi, COGA task force and community group, thanks so much for your very
helpful comments and suggestions on these video scripts from the Education
and Outreach (EO) group.

One of the issues we flagged as "high priority" is Preety's age. EO's script
says she is 13 and has dyslexia and ADHD. We raised concerns about having
such a young persona without specifically acknowledging the accessibility
needs of children with disabilities. But EO is suggesting this concern may
be "outside the scope" of this video series.

If you have a minute, please consider adding a comment to this GitHub issue
<>or adding a
thumbs-up to any of the comments that are already on the thread. (To add a
thumbs-up, click on the smiley face in the upper right corner of a comment.
Clicking on the smiley face will give you 8 or so icons to choose from.)

Thanks again for your time and energy — we much appreciate both!


Julie Rawe

Special Projects Editor, Editorial Content, Understood


Pronounced Joo-lee Raw (like 'uncooked')

She | her

Received on Monday, 3 October 2022 18:00:54 UTC