requesting help with a card sort for COGA's Making Content Usable

Hello all,

A couple of weeks ago Kiki and I shared a card sort we would appreciate
your help with for thinking through the restructure of Making Content

Please feel free to share this with anyone you feel should participate.


   1. Click on the link to open a page that will prompt you to make your
   personal copy
   2. Click on the "make copy" link
   3. Rename your copy to include your name :)
   4. Share your copy with and
   5. Use columns B and C to indicate which objectives each pattern belongs
      - Feel free to rearrange the pattern rows to create your own
      groupings and order
      - Feel free to add your own patterns at the bottom if you think some
      are missing
      - Feel free to add your own new objectives in the second tab, called
      Objectives, in Column B
      - Add any notes, thoughts, complaints, ideas into Column D (the
      Objectives tab also has a free-form notes column, Column C)
   6. Please complete this exercise by EOD on Friday, December 15

Thank you!
[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Abilities Innovation & Research, CPIEA

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 21:21:26 UTC