Re: Developer Feedback to W3C (was: AppCache post-mortem?)

Hi, Alex-

On 5/14/13 6:36 AM, Alex Russell wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 14, 2013, Doug Schepers wrote:
>     Having some infrastructure and community around all these efforts
>     would be useful. The route I took to doing this was starting
> My read of the history of <> is
> that it was a vendor-initiated, lead, and managed project which was
> loosely facilitated by the W3C. It was done this way to create
> independence from any one vendor -- despite most (if not all) of them
> being enthusiastic supporters. That the W3C has had a role in it at all
> is testament to the belief by many that it is an honest broker;
> certainly not the sort of organization that would claim credit for
> member's work, surely.

I initiated the project (I even came up with the name in a brainstorming 
call with Paul Irish), and helped make it a reality, along with a bunch 
of extraordinary individuals from our members. (You can ask them for 
details, if you like; I've sent you their email addresses offlist). It 
was very much a W3C-initiated effort... sorry if that doesn't jibe with 
your idea of W3C. :P

But regardless of who started it, or where it started, I think we have a 
great opportunity to leverage it to as an effective developer feedback 

(BTW, I'm not claiming I was the first persons to have any of these 
ideas... I'm sure they are already in the zeitgeist. I was just noting 
that they were in line with ideas I'd articulated, and I'd love to see 
them move forward, and hope that can be at


p.s. And don't call me Shirley!

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 17:45:57 UTC