Re: Hello and Welcome to the Civic Technology Community Group

Civic Technology Community Group,

Hello. New members, please also see the previous welcome email, below.

I am very excited about artificial intelligence, open government, and civic technology and I look forward to our future discussions and collaborations on these topics as we contribute to advancing the state of the art.

As recent developments in AI may be somewhat novel to some members, e.g., GPT-4 and Bard, we can be as both teachers and students to one another by sharing Web resources. Please do feel free to share any relevant Web resources – be they introductory, intermediate, or advanced – that you might find with the group (

Best regards,

Adam Sobieski

P.S.: I found the following Web resource, a one-minute video, to be interesting: .

From: Adam Sobieski
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2023 12:49 PM
To: <>
Subject: Hello and Welcome to the Civic Technology Community Group

Civic Technology Community Group,

Hello and welcome to the Civic Technology Community Group! This new group will be a forum for advancing the state of the art and for discussing technical topics which include, but are not limited to:

  1.  how existing and new standards can benefit civic technology, open government, and artificial intelligence,
  2.  technical requirements from the domains of civic technology, open government, and artificial intelligence,

  3.  advanced software interoperability scenarios involving Web browsers,
ways that AI systems and chatbots in webpages, in Web browsers (browser sidebar chatbots), in other desktop and Web-based applications, and in operating systems can interoperate with one another,

  5.  clipboarding and dragging-and-dropping of chatbot-provided content,
  6.  sharing chatbot-provided content on social media,

  7.  ways that artificial intelligence technologies can continue to enhance public-sector websites and services,
  8.  multimodal dialogue systems or chatbots which can answer questions which involve processing data from one or more governments, city, county, state, and federal governments,
multimodal dialogue systems or chatbots which can create responses comprised of language, mathematics, charts, diagrams, figures, graphs, and infographics,

  10. architectures supporting both static and dynamic backing data and content,
  11. any other topics relevant to civic technology, open government, and artificial intelligence.

Our public mailing list's email address is . Please feel free to introduce yourselves in new e-mail threads and/or to draw upon any of these topics and open new e-mail threads with your thoughts on the topics. Thank you.

Best regards,
Adam Sobieski

P.S.: I've updated the group's About content here: . Please feel free to share any ideas with which to expand upon or otherwise enhance this content.

Received on Sunday, 23 April 2023 10:14:41 UTC