Poor website standards- obvious solutions

To whom it may concern
I hope this email is travelling to China, if yes, then I am sure it will be examined for its obviously practical solutions to a major problem, most elderly and visually impaired people have when using websites in English, I can’t comment on other languages. 

The Chinese have proved for millennia, that they are probably the smartest ethnic groups with technology and practicality of methods.  

> Although I have repeated this similar email to many organisations, very few are willing to use the scientific, professional and practical advice I offer them free if charge. I am hoping you might be different  

The standards of website accessibility is poor generally in the UK and other countries may be similar  

The problems in short
1. Too many websites use pale grey text, which is extremely difficult for elderly and visually impaired people to perceive, this is partly due to the physiology of the eye and brain  
2. They also use thin or fine text, which effectively reduces the size of text landing on the eye and if grey in colour, it can not be perceived regardless of size  
Even some of the w3c pages are impossible to read  

My proposal 
Is it possible to encourage all websites to phase out the use of grey tex if any kind and replace it with jet black  
This would give the maximum contrast and have the deepest impact visually

The second proposal is to have a minimum thickness or boldness of text  if the text is dark enough with high contrast and is not thin, people can perceive it greater.  

In the UK it is usually Local Authorities, NHS organisation and Charities which are most guilty  

Some private companies, even those selling to elderly make it difficult to read their websites. 

If you are the wrong person, could you tell me who I can contact to raise the basic standards on the internet and websites. 

I am a retired trained professional who worked with Visually impaired people and have 55 years experience with a visual impairment  

Sent from my iPhone

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2022 13:43:48 UTC