Re: Fwd: A sort of synthesis

Just a comment on this:

On 2/28/13 4:40 PM, Claudius Teodorescu wrote:
> 4. rendering of changes, by using a light syntax (PIs, for instance);
> such syntax is to be used for rendering only, thus not over-loading the
> XML document itself;

In oXygen's case, and I guess also in other XML tools, the PIs are not a 
syntax for rendering the changes, it is only a serialization format. 
Once the document is loaded the PIs are removed from the document and 
kept in an in-memory structure that is modified by the user actions and 
then when the document is saved the new current change tracking 
structure is serialized as PIs.
There should not me a main issue if changes are stored out of band, in 
an external storage and loaded from there. However, having them separate 
from the document may easily result in inconsistent information. The 
main advantage with having them serialized directly in the document is 
that if some additional changes are performed with a tool that does not 
record changes on that document then the PIs will move as well so they 
will stay next to the content they mark as modified.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2013 15:12:55 UTC