Re: Few words on each of us

Hi all,

My name is George Bina and I work for Syncro Soft, the company that 
develops oXygen XML Editor.

We have in our product both XML diff functionality and change tracking. 
The change tracking is currently implemented using oXygen specific 
processing instructions but we are open to change that to use an agreed 
format that will be supported also by other tools - similarly we 
replaced the oXygen specific PI for associated a schema with xml-model.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 2/21/13 2:01 PM, Innovimax SARL wrote:
> Dear all,
> Welcome to the Change Tracking Community Group
> I would like each of us to say few words on themselves (I would like to
> put a short summary on the wiki for future newcomers)
> Thanks
> Mohamed
> --
> Innovimax SARL
> Consulting, Training & XML Development
> 9, impasse des Orteaux
> 75020 Paris
> Tel : +33 9 52 475787
> Fax : +33 1 4356 1746
> RCS Paris 488.018.631
> SARL au capital de 10.000 €

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 15:51:04 UTC