Some notes based on the wiki

Hi all!

I've just joined this group after being pointed to the wiki by PLH and 
TLR. I just wanted to share my first reaction upon seeing the list of 

A quick scan of the wiki page triggers a bit of worry, but it might very 
well be misplaced due to it being just the output of brainstorming and 
not a plan per se. Basically, I see a *long* list of topics there. They 
are all very much legit, but I don't think that they should all be part 
of training.

I think that there should be a split. On one hand, all the information 
you might need written up in a convenient-to-find place. That can and 
should go into detail. On the other, the actual training. I don't think 
that you can do effective training, especially within the time 
constraints that we're bound to have, on any significant chunk of the 
material there. There's just too much for it to stick. I think that that 
part should focus on two things: lessons from experience, and where to 
find the information you need.

So my take is that we need an updated Guide (which IanJ is dedicating 
some of his copious spare time to) on one hand. And on the other a 
one-day curriculum (perhaps even half day) in which the various topics 
of the guide are briefly exposed, why they matter is explained, but 
there's no digging into the details aside from questions; and then some 
seasoned chairs present their view on how the whole thing works.
Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 5 April 2013 12:13:04 UTC