[CDF Framework 1.0] 2.4.1 Rightsizing Cases

I am not satisfied with the cases you present for right-sizing in
Section 2.4.1.

In essence, I feel that the object width attribute specifies the
object frame dimensions while the SVG width specifies the width of the
child document inside the object frame (which can be accomodated via
scrollbars if it is larger than the object frame.

Here are the cases as I see them:

<object width="100%">, <svg width="100%"> => result should be an
object frame that covers the full width of the XHTML element
containing the <object>, the SVG image inside should be the full width
of the object frame

<object width="100%">, <svg width="50%"> => result should be an object
frame that covers the full width of the XHTML element containing the
<object>, the SVG image inside should be half the width of the object
frame (this is not a very useful case, but behavior can still be

<object width="100%">, <svg width="200px"> => result should be an
object frame that is the full width of the XHTML element containing
the <object>, the SVG image inside this frame should be 200 pixels
(this may require the object frame to have a horizontal scrollbars
depending upon the browser width)

<object width="100px">, <svg width="100%"> => result should be an
object frame that is 100 pixels wide, the SVG image inside this frame
should be 100 pixels wide

<object width="100px">, <svg width="200px"> => result should be an
object frame that is 100 pixels wide, the SVG image inside this frame
should be 200 pixels wide (this will require the object frame to have
a horizontal scrollbar)

Jeff Schiller

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 14:20:17 UTC