Fw: addHitRegion does not have an inform the user section.

This text is in the addHitRegion text:

"User agents are encouraged to make use of the information present in a
canvas element's hit region list to improve the accessibility of canvas

Encouraged is in no way a must which makes it difficult to justify a
normative test.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
----- Forwarded by Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM on 09/29/2014 10:32 AM

From:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
To:	mark.sadecki@gmail.com
Cc:	Canvas <public-canvas-api@w3.org>, "Rik Cabanier"
Date:	09/29/2014 10:28 AM
Subject:	addHitRegion does not have an inform the user section.

So, there is nothing the spec. that says to inform the user when a hit
region is associated with a control. It only says this for

Did someone drop the ball? This was discussed on the calls. ... Otherwise,
why would we have pushed for addHitRegion?

I have stopped writing testable statements until this is resolved.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Monday, 29 September 2014 15:34:16 UTC