Re: Separate Draft of Canvas API Uploaded to CVS

Hi Doug,

On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 13:49:20 -0400
Doug Schepers <> wrote:

> There was quite a lot of talk about splitting out Canvas from the rest 
> of HTML 5, but there seemed to be a roadblock in actually getting this 
> effort started.  I took the initiative to create a draft [1] of the 
> Canvas 2D API that is split out from HTML5, and just concentrates on the 
> API, rather than the <canvas> element.

Thanks for taking an initiative to start splitting out the Canvas 2D API!
Together with the WebGL API, Canvas 2D can be an important addition to
SVG-based Web applications.

> I took the opportunity to make it a little more generic (i.e., not 
> HTML-specific), so that SVG could also include the Canvas API (for 
> example, to be used on <image> elements in SVG);

As for the use of in SVG, I think the Canvas API would be useful for any
elements that establish a new viewport, including 'svg', 'image', 'video',
'animation', and 'foreignObject' elements.

There is no element that provide graphics rendering context in HTML, so
we need to introduce 'canvas' element. In the case of SVG, however, we
already have a good set of graphics elements with independent rendering
contexts, and we should take full advantage of the available rich
features of SVG.

Jun Fujisawa

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 09:18:29 UTC