[minutes] BPWG Call 2010-03-02


The minutes of the call today are available at:
and copied as text below.

The main lessons from the call are:
* the group is still looking for implementation reports on the Mobile
Web Application Best Practices
* the group needs someone to drive the effort on the content
transformation guidelines test suites shortly, or the document might not
make it to standard status - SeanP will look into contributing to this


        Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference

02 Mar 2010


      [2] http://www.w3.org/mid/C7B1B782.9FA0%25daniel.appelquist@vodafone.com

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2010/03/02-bpwg-irc


          DKA, jo, edc, Dom, SeanP

          Alan, Bruce, Francois, JeffS, Jerome, Kai, Tom, Yeliz

          DKA, Jo



     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]BP2 and implementation reports
         2. [6]Status Reports on BP2
         3. [7]CT Guidelines Update / Status / LC Comments
         4. [8]CT Guidelines
         5. [9]Issues and Actions tidy up
     * [10]Summary of Action Items


     [11] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2010Mar/0000.html

   <scribe> scribe: Jo

BP2 and implementation reports

Status Reports on BP2

   adam: lots of implementation reports from Google but have not seen
   any others

   dka: we're working on one at vodafone

   dom: anyone else working on anything?

   dka: how about if Starbucks offered free coffee vouchers in return
   for implementation reports? (sic)
   ... how about transcoding vendors?

   seanp: what are you looking for?

   dka: not that you have to implement all of the bps, but if you can
   show you implemented some of them then it would help

   seanp: so if any of the BPs are being followed in the process of

   dka: yeah

   seanp: I'll check into it

   dka: what about W3C?

   dom: not sure, but would it help ref credibility?
   ... I'll look into it
   ... but don't think it will help ref CR
   ... quickly denies that he will look into it but that Francois will

   adam: anyone have a contact with FaceBook?

   dka: yes I do, I will contact them
   ... Facebook and Opera that is

CT Guidelines Update / Status / LC Comments

   <scribe> ACTION: dan to contact facebook and Opera ref
   implementation reports for BP2 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-1041 - Contact facebook and Opera ref
   implementation reports for BP2 [on Daniel Appelquist - due

CT Guidelines

   Mar/ Comments

     [13] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-comments/2010JanMar/

   <dom> [14]Thomas is happy

     [14] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-comments/2010JanMar/0010.html

   <dom> [15]PFWG happy with two, looking for consensus on third

     [15] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-comments/2010JanMar/0012.html

   jo: PFWG is going back to consider the outstanding point

   dom: they have till March 11 to come back on it

   <dom> [16]Anne's point on XMLHttpRequest

     [16] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-comments/2010JanMar/0011.html

   <dom> [17]Eduardo's comment

     [17] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-comments/2010JanMar/0013.html

   dka: any other comments ... TAG ... ?

   jo: no, nothing

   dom: if we don't get feedback then we need to explain that we tried
   to reach them and there was no reply
   ... director may ask questions, but basically we are done

   jo: main concern is that we have no test suite

   dka: someone needs to own the test suite

   dom: given the time constraints, waiting means the document won't
   get finished

   dka: is there some way we can all join in to fill this void?
   ... what is the way forward, Dom?

   dom: if people are implementing the guidelines they will need to do
   something like this, so how about checking with potential
   implementors to see if there is anything they can contribute

   dka: so, Sean, is there anything you can share with the group

   <EdC> A potential issue is that whatever transcoder vendors and
   operators are doing are probably validation modules within their
   existing (probably proprietary or in-house) testing harnesses.

   dka: otherwise it will sit at CR for ever
   ... which would be a shame (summary)

   seanp: I have enquired as to whether I could take charge of the test
   suite, but not very positive as I am very busy

   dka: but if you can contribute some tests of some sort then that
   would be useful

   seanp: don't think we have any tests that match up exactly
   ... we started work on it a while ago but have been waiting for
   other bits to stabilize
   ... not clear that there is much vendor pull to complete

   <EdC> Test suites usually contain input data set (i.e. WWW pages and
   HTTP header), expected output specification (could be WWW pages with
   HTTP header fields), and a programmed mechanism to process input
   through a system under test and compare the outcome with expected
   results. I would expect the first element to be usable, possibly the
   second, but (except if it is really modular and made with open
   software) little from the third.

   seanp: I will check on this and we want to see this at Rec so I will
   do my best

   <scribe> ACTION: patterson to do his best to encourage his
   colleagues to allow some time to be spent on CT test suite [recorded
   in [18]http://www.w3.org/2010/03/02-bpwg-minutes.html#action02]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-1042 - Do his best to encourage his
   colleagues to allow some time to be spent on CT test suite [on Sean
   Patterson - due 2010-03-09].

   dka: sorry to pick on you Sean

   <dom> EdC, I think the most important things is to get 1 and 2 done;
   3 is just the icing on the cake

Issues and Actions tidy up

   dka: er, perhaps we should defer this to another time

   jo: er, OK, how often do we want calls from now on?

   dka: how about we have calls as planned on 9th and 16th - not on
   23rd, AC meeting, then resume on 30th
   ... I wont be here on 16th

   [call adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: dan to contact facebook and Opera ref implementation
   reports for BP2 [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: patterson to do his best to encourage his colleagues
   to allow some time to be spent on CT test suite [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2010 15:09:22 UTC