RE: 3.10 control labelling Re: New Version of BP Addendum

Hi Alan, 

> There is a detailed description to this in WCAG 2.0 [1]. It 
> seems a shame to be reinventing the wheel here.

Good idea.
I have added "For a detailed description of labels and form controls,
the reader may also refer to Techniques for WCAG 2.0 [TWCAG],
specifically to section H44: Using label elements to associate text
labels with form controls from some examples have been " and have listed
the document in the bibliography.

I have also put in one of the examples as a good example.

> I would question the appropriateness of using HTML5 for the 
> examples while it is still a draft.

Same here, which is 

> "User-visible input element" would be more accurate as 
> "element for user input" or "input element for user 
> interaction". Not all users see the form.

This is already being used.

-- Kai

Received on Thursday, 17 September 2009 08:57:51 UTC