Re: [minutes] 12 May 2009 Teleconference


I would like to sincerely apologize to other subscribers of the list  
about this vendor specific spam, please feel free to mark it as read  
if it is not of your interest. There was a wrong point that I had to  
clarify before discussion proceeds further.

> Bruce, can you look at yourself in the mirror after saying this? do  
> you realise that here you are talking about a  
> "technology" (transcoders, albeit the term "technology" gives them  
> way more honor than they deserve) which replaces the user-agent  
> string to fool web sites?

I have to disagree with your point here, I checked on the  
implementations that utilizes transcoding and the user-agent string  
seems to be intact.

Opera 10.0:
User-Agent: Opera/10.00 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; ko) Presto/2.2.1

Opera 10.0 with Turbo Mode on:
User-Agent: Opera/10.00 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; ko) Presto/2.2.1

As you can see above, both have the exact same user agent. If you  
would like to see for yourself, please try the feature enabled test  
build with Opera Turbo at:

It would be greatly appreciated if some pre-research was done before  
making such claims on a public list from now on.

Kind regards,

Sangwhan Moon, Opera Software ASA
XMPP: | Mobile: +372-5971-6147

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2009 01:31:40 UTC