rel=canonical relevant to MWBP One Web? Er, no.


I was alerted to Google's new rel="canonical" link earlier today and it 
reminded me of the discussion we had way back about bookmarking 
canonical URIs whilst looking at a desktop or mobile representation 
where the other one existed. To avoid the frowned upon practice of cross 
posting, I sent a few comments on this to the TAG mailing list [1] which 
may or may not be of any interest on this list!

And while I'm here a quick note: for good or ill you'll be hearing more 
from me again as I've joined the MWI team (specifically looking at 
training surrounding the output of MWI as a whole but especially BP).




Phil Archer
W3C Mobile Web Initiative

Received on Friday, 20 February 2009 15:01:24 UTC