Group support for lang and xml:lang attributes in HTML5


We resolved last week to support the (re-)introduction of the lang 
attribute to the XHTML family. The idea also received the support of the 
internationalization (i18n) working group and seems to be moving forward.

The i18n working group (I quote from Richard's email [1]):
  "would also like to enlist the support of the BPWG and the XHTML WGs 
to propose to the HTML5 WG that their spec recognise xml:lang as 
equivalent to lang, so that eventually XHTML can be written with a 
single language attribute, ie. xml:lang, and still be recognised by html 

... and wonders whether we would support this as well.

Jo/Dan, could you add this point to the agenda?


Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2009 10:11:43 UTC