[minutes] Thursday 25 September 2008 teleconf


The minutes of today's short call are available at:
... and copied as text below.

In even shorter:
- We agreed that the reply from the WebApps WG about our Last Call 
comments on Widgets 1.0 Requirements was OK.
- All comments about MWABP, be them comments on the spec or comments on 
the comments, should be sent ASAP, since there will be an editorial 
meeting tomorrow afternoon.
- You're all welcome to join the editorial meeting tomorrow afternoon:
  IRC: the usual #bpwg channel
  Date: Friday, 26 September 12:30-16:00 UTC
  Phone: +1.617.761.6200, +, +44.117.370.6152
  Conference code: 2794 ("BPWG") followed by # key


  25 Sep 2008


       [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2008Sep/0084.html

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2008/09/25-bpwg-irc


           DKA, Francois, jeffs, achuter, abel, miguel, Sangwhan_Moon

           Kai, SeanP, Bruce, David_Storey, Jo, hgerlach, rob, Sangwhan,
           Manrique, dom, yeliz, adam, Bryan


           francois, DKA


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]MobileOK Basic Tests
          2. [6]F2F notes if any
          3. [7]MWABP Issues (277-280)
          4. [8]Comments on widgets 1.0 Requirements
          5. [9]Alan's comments on MWABP
          6. [10]Sangwhan introduction
      * [11]Summary of Action Items

MobileOK Basic Tests

    Francois: good news on MobileOK Basic tests. Google homepage is now
    MobileOK (thanks, Adam!)
    ... Last point before moving to PR - https certificate - the way we
    handle invalid certificates. Following the comments from the
    security context working group. Jo has proposed some text to the
    security context working group. Suggest we take a resolution to say
    this text is fine provided that sec context working group agrees.

    <francois> [12]Jo's reply to WSC WG


    DKA: Don't think we need a resolution yet.

    Francois: yes - we will wait for comments back from sec context wg
    and then wait for next revision form Jo and then take a resolution.

    DKA: OK.

    DKA: really good news that Google's mobileOK again!

F2F notes if any

    <DKA> [13]http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dd3jk8v_128gb3xp5hq&hl=en

      [13] http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dd3jk8v_128gb3xp5hq&hl=en

    DKA: The current draft is just a series of topics.
    ... I think I have an action pending to update that.
    ... Any comments?

    francois: no real comment. Question about the phone thing?

    DKA: yes. We're going to need it, because Bryan won't be there and
    needs to dial in.
    ... On the "joint meetings" part:
    ... WebApps WG is working on Widgets.
    ... It's all about packaging things and security.

    <jeffs> +1 on that "Mobile widgets discussion with WebApps working
    group" idea, good to have explicit more-or-less seamless coord
    between them and us

    DKA: We could work with them to establish that they reference MWABP
    as guidelines to write content for the Widgets.
    ... I don't expect we spend too much time on that.

    francois: anyone talked to WebApps yet?

    DKA: not yet. Give me an action

    <scribe> ACTION: Dan to write to WebApps to see if we could hold a
    joint meeting during TPAC F2F [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-851 - Write to WebApps to see if we could
    hold a joint meeting during TPAC F2F [on Daniel Appelquist - due

MWABP Issues (277-280)

    DKA: wonder if we should move on on that without the editors.

    francois: probably not, especially since there's an editorial
    meeting tomorrow

Comments on widgets 1.0 Requirements

    DKA: Bryan sent a note

    l Bryan's comments on the comments

      [15] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2008Sep/0087.html

    francois: yes, from what I understood, he's going in the same
    direction we just mentioned.
    ... and suggest that we forget about the comments we previously sent
    because WebApps is mostly concerned about packaging.
    ... we could use MWABP as guidelines to write the content.

    DKA: Yes. I don't think we should expect too much, but that's a good

    DKA: We'll see that at the TPAC

    francois: Should we resolve on the reply from WebApps to state we're
    fine with it?

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: BPWG acknowledges the reply from Web Apps WG to
    the comments it sent about the Widgets 1.0 Requirements

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: BPWG accepts the reply from Web Apps WG to the
    comments it sent about the Widgets 1.0 Requirements specification.


    <jeffs> +1

    <abel_> +1

    <DKA> +1

    <Sangwhan_Moon> +1

    RESOLUTION: BPWG accepts the reply from Web Apps WG to the comments
    it sent about the Widgets 1.0 Requirements specification.

    <jeffs> +1

Alan's comments on MWABP

    DKA: Alan, unless you have anything to add, I suggest we skip this

    DKA: Let's just record that the group needs to consider Alan's
    comments. We're likely to address them tomorrow during the editorial
    meeting. Any comment to Alan's comments should be sent ASAP.

    alan: one comment about ARIA which could help mobile web
    ... A lot of work is going into ARIA.
    ... The TPAC would be a good opportunity to have informal talks with
    PFWG to see how important it could be for our document

alan's suggest text (ACTION-790)

    DKA: So, that's actually what you were talking about, Alan
    ... I was referring previously to your other comments.
    ... We're going to consider these comments in the editorial meeting

    l Alan's comments on MWABP

      [16] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2008Sep/0080.html

    l Alan's comments for ACTION-790

      [17] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2008Sep/0081.html

    <Sangwhan_Moon> zakim unmute me

Sangwhan introduction

    Sangwhan: [introducing himself]
    ... from Opera Software.

    DKA: Welcome to the group, we'll appreciate your helping us out. Our
    biggest piece of work is MWABP right now, about "great" mobile web

    <Sangwhan_Moon> (waves back)

    DKA: Any expertise would be appreciated.
    ... ok, let's drop the call for today. Feel free to join the
    editorial meeting tomorrow.

    [call adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Dan to write to WebApps to see if we could hold a
    joint meeting during TPAC F2F [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2008 15:00:37 UTC