New Editor's Draft (1zm) of MobileOK Basic 1.0 Tests Last Call IV Candidate - and possible further change needed :-(

Hi folks, I've updated mobileOK Basic 1.0 Tests per the discussions and 
resolutions we have had recently. You'll find the latest editor's draft 
at [1] and I have prepared diffs (to the the last CR version) at [2] and 
(to the previous Editor's draft) at [3].

As I have said (on numerous occasions before) this is the 4th last call 
of this document and we really could do with all the help we can get 
making sure that it is as right as possible for this time around. So 
please make sure you are in agreement with the changes.

On which subject, while proofing this document, I'm afraid I have just 
noticed something that we may wish to change. In the following:


Include a User-Agent header indicating the default delivery context by 
sending exactly this header:

User-Agent: W3C-mobileOK/DDC-1.0 (see


we say "exactly this header". In fact, as I understand it, a robot 
should provide information about how to contact its owner. And since 
each owner will be different, saying that the UA header must be 
"exactly" that means that the usual convention cannot be followed.

I don't think that this is an entirely trivial point, otherwise I would 
have "remained silent" on it. Gtfl for views.


[2] Diff to CR --
[3] Diff to last editor's draft --

Received on Monday, 2 June 2008 16:09:48 UTC