Re: down, new DTD URL?

That's an interesting question for sure. My first hope is that OMA can
get this URL back up, at least as a redirector, and continue to keep
it up indefinitely as there are no doubt millions of pages out there
with this URL.

I also am willing to bet there is at least one broken application out
there somewhere that is looking for this entire DOCTYPE as given below
when looking for "Mobile Profile 1.0 documents" and might not match a
DOCTYPE without a SYSTEM identifier, when of course the PUBLIC
identifier should be used for that purpose.

My guess is that all the DTDs hosted on are as
up-to-date and official as any on, and that we might all
use those DTDs going forward to avoid issues with the old
domain. I'd love to have a chance to verify that or hear OMA confirm
that and then spread the word -- especially is might not
be around.

I suppose I personally would recommend writing a DOCTYPE that includes
a reference to the DTDs going forward.

(Anybody know of a good OMA contact?)

On Jan 22, 2008 2:27 AM, Herwig Feichtinger <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> as mentioned in the Mobile Checker mailing list, the domain
> seems to be down since (at least) yesterday,
> (without the www. before it) even does no longer
> resolve at all. So a DTD like
> "">
> like used in Google's mobile version and in thousands of other
> XHTML sites would not be useful any longer. Any recommendation
> from the group, e.g. to simply strip off the URL part in the
> DTD, shortening it to
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN">
> like sometimes done in HTML? Or a replacement for the old URL?
> There seems to be a proper XHTML mobile-profile DTD at:
> An overview of their available DTDs can be found at:
> However, I did not find an official statement that this new
> URL should be used instead of the domain.
> Cheers
> Herwig

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2008 07:55:30 UTC