Call for input to Mobile Web Best Practices 2.0

Hi everyone,

The BPWG is starting work on the Mobile Web Best Practices 2.0 (BP2), as
the next phase of the work begun with the Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0
(BP1). This email is a call for input on source material and references
that will benefit this work. 

Here is a draft description of the BP2 as it is currently envisioned:
While BP1 referred primarily to the extension of Web browsing onto
mobile devices, BP2 extends the focus to Web applications generally,
which means an application that is accessed and presented via Web
technologies. Web applications represent a spectrum of services and
content, at the simple end of which are typical Web browsing sites,
presented in browsers, which were the focus of BP1. The BP2 focus will
include further recommendations for addressing delivery context issues
and for use of advanced Web technologies, which apply both to browsers
and non-browser web runtime environments.

The recommendations will refer to applications as experienced on mobile
devices. The recommendations will necessarily reflect upon the processes
by which the applications are developed and delivered, and the nature of
the devices and user agents through which they are experienced. However
the main focus will be upon the applications themselves, including
content that is delivered and presented through the applications.

The members and public followers of the BPWG are encouraged to consider
how recent innovations in Web applications and supporting technologies,
when extended to mobile contexts, will benefit from specific guidelines
supporting goals similar to those that the BP1 addressed (at least),
e.g. usability/accessibility, interoperability, efficiency. This can
include for example:
- references to existing best practices, developer guidelines, and other
- specific topics of concern or opportunity
- how these topics relate to application development processes, e.g.
tools, device information, developer communities, certification

This input is requested to be provided before February 15, so that the
BPWG can incorporate it into working drafts of the BP2 as soon as

We appreciate your interest and support of the BPWG in this effort.

Best regards,
Bryan Sullivan, BP2 co-editor

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2008 06:06:03 UTC