Web Accessibile Mobile document, "how people with disabilities use the mobile web"

Following on from the discussion in last Thursday's MWBP telecon
... section 3 on how people with disabilities use the mobile web, but
it is still empty ... does anybody knows whether this is going to be
filled up?

EOWG people have said this is very important and we have been looking
for real cases to include in this section but none seem to have
appeared yet. It is still devoid of any content. I think that it is
outside the natural scope of the document but it does fall very
naturally into the existing draft of "How People With Disabilities Use
the Web" [1]. I have asked Shawn to include it in the change requests
for the document and as long as no one objects have removed it from
this one.



[1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web/Overview.html

Email: achuter@technosite.es

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2007 12:09:04 UTC