RE: Call for participation in MobileOK Pro Working Session and Regrets for tomorrow's call

I will be going home now and go to bed.  The cold has finally up.  This
means I will not be on the call tomorrow.
However, I wanted to say a couple of things that need doing.
- I still need access as Editor, so I can use XML spec to write this
document.  Currently I am helping myself by hand writing the document.
I would appreciate some help with the access and XML Spec as I have not
done this yet.
- I have included the file I showed in Boston where I have changed
Section 3.1 and 3.2 to the new format that had been accepted as a good
All tests need to be changed to that format.
Anybody can try to formulate new tests, because basically that is what
we will be doing at the workshop.
-- Kai


	From: Jo Rabin [] 
	Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 2:16 PM
	Subject: RE: Call for participation in MobileOK Pro Working

	Please note everybody, that the venue for this meeting is now
London, hosted by Vodafone. The date remains the same.


	We'll be taking a report from the Pro task force on tomorrow's
call. I suggest we expand the agenda to discuss creation of a Pro home
page (like the other TFs), regular meetings, a charter and confirmation
of the Task Force Leader. And as Dave mentions below - suggest we get
the programme rolling with some advance work.






[] On Behalf Of David Rooks
	Sent: 05 December 2007 13:04
	Subject: Re: Call for participation in MobileOK Pro Working


	Hi Kai,
	Is there anything we can do prior to the face to face in order
to get MOK Pro moving along?

	On Nov 30, 2007 1:58 PM, Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich < <> > wrote:

	Hello all,


	some 9 of us have said they would be willing to help with a cram
session to help finish the mobileOK Pro document.


	Now is your chance to make good that willingness !


	February 5-6, that's a Monday and Tuesday, we, that is Phil and
Dan and myself, will be meeting in Darmstadt to power through this

	Come join us....or be counted among the meek :-)


	Note:  We could potentially also use the 19 and 20th, but would
much prefer the earlier dates.



	-- Kai


Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 15:01:40 UTC